
Certified Group Facilitator
Arkansas Public Administration Consortium (APAC)
School of Public Affairs
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Spring 2019 Graduate


Trained in and available for:

Group Facilitations

Corporate Training Events

Group/Team/Organizational Retreats

Organizational Problem Solving

Organizational Planning

Organizational Goal Setting

Organizational Vision and/or Mission Statement Construction

Guided Team Building

Conflict Management Consulting

Emotional Intelligence Leadership Training

Brainstorming Sessions for Product/Idea Generation

Keynote & Guest Speaking Events

Available for lectures, trainings, facilitations, or key note speaking events on the following topics:
Conflict management, emotional intelligence, relationship/team building, public speaking, negotiation, family conflict/communication/resilience, professionalism, forgiveness, and resilience

**Virtual Facilitations & Lectures Available!**
All services now also offered in an online format via Zoom or Webex Video Conferencing Software.
Software, online scheduling, contacting participants, problem-solving technological issues during the facilitation, and online followup with participants will be handled by the facilitator.


Available for facilitating groups of 6+ (Max of 150 participants online)

Available Scheduling: 
1 or 2 hours (consecutive)

Half Day (3.5 hours with 30 minute break)
Full Day (6.5 hours with 1 hour lunch & two 15 minute breaks)
Or Multi-Day Events

Pricing is based on length of facilitation, pre and post work expectations, and number of participants.
Please email baileymoliver@gmail.com for questions, references, availability/scheduling, and for price quotes.


Previous Clients


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Facilitation Client Reviews

“Thank you so much for taking part in our first 2020 Virtual Zoom Statewide Meeting. Your presentation on Emotional Intelligence was one of the most interesting topics in the forum. It was an honor for us to have you as one of our resource facilitators. We believe that the knowledge you have shared will help immensely in the development of our company and eventually translate into a good part of every workday. Additionally the information you highlighted on will improve our Emotional/Social Emotion Awareness, and Emotional/Relationship Management. WE know your time is precious and we are grateful you shared some of it with us. We look forward to your participation on future events.”

“Thanks, Bailey! This was spot on for what we were thinking. Now I am wanting to bring you in to present to all our members at our annual retreat- Great work skills and general life knowledge! Thanks and we’ll be in touch!”

Facilitation Participant Reviews/Comments

“I really appreciated the real-world examples, especially the ones with students as that is the population I work with the most.”

“The group activities were beneficial and the overall knowledge of Dr. Oliver was awesome. Holding someone’s attention during an hours-long online facilitation can be difficult; but, I was listening the entire time. Great course.”

“Very organized and easy to follow!

“I loved actually having material/classwork that allowed us [coworkers] to all engage with each other.”

“The takeaways were very clear. I feel like I now have tools I can use in my personal and work life.”

“Very interactive and engaging!”

“I mostly loved that [the facilitation] allows me to get to know other personnel in the department and interacting with my peers”

“I enjoyed the team work demonstrated in the small groups – even in a virtual setting via breakout rooms”

“Excellent presentation and materials, Dr. Oliver.  I thought it was an hour well spent and expect my colleagues and I will be able to easily incorporate much of what you shared in our daily work.  Thank you!”

“Thanks for this training. It so much that goes on emotionally within the workplace that the employees hold in and don’t talk about. [Our company’s] employees needed this training.”

“This was a very informative training. I was introduce to new ideas on how to try new methods on communication practices.”

“I learned a lot about myself and strategies I can use in my everyday life.”

“After the first day I had dinner with my “old cronie” buddies who are retired teachers. They all gave me a hard time about participating in a workshop, as I got that they did not enjoy workshops where they were working, and they were laughing at me saying they were retired ha ha. However, I told them some of the line of topic being discussed, and actually after a drink or two, there was some discussion about some of the stressful things they are going through with grown children, and grandchildren and the Holidays. I think the discussion about the workshop facilitated that, and that it was actually helpful to all of us to talk on a level that we probably would not have.”


Lecture Participant Reviews/Comments

“I just wanted to say that I greatly enjoyed your lecture. Though I am not part of a blended family, my boyfriend is. I was interested in learning about a subject and life that I was not directly a part of until recent years when I met his family. Thank you for taking the time to do this lecture and educate people like me.”

“Shout out to you, Bailey! You connected well with participants during and did super answering questions and connecting your answers back to research after the lecture. I also loved the focus on applied communication—and on shifts that can create better relationships. Way to go!”


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